We thank the University of Washington, Department of
Laboratory Medicine for providing the CD-Rom TUTOR programs and for
granting permission to use photographic images of the TUTOR programs on
this website. Special thanks are due
to Dr. Mike Astion, the Director of the Reference Laboratory Services and Head of the
Educational Software Group, Department of Laboratory Medicine, University of Washington,
for his continued support and for editing the
web-version of this article.
We also thank the Director and staff at the National Public Health
Laboratory, Kathmandu, Nepal for their support and contribution during the
three-day training program. In
addition, we thank WHO, Kathmandu for funding the three-day training
program and the purchase of the computer.
And finally, thanks are due to staff at International Nepal
Fellowship, Nepal for their support especially during the quality
assurance training program in Surkhet, Mid-Western Nepal. |