
The Public Health Care Laboratory 



The website for laboratory personnel in developing countries


Total Quality Management and Public Health Laboratories

TQM is continuous improvement.

TQM is continuous improvement!

TQM is not a one-time-fix, it is a continuous effort. 

A crucial factor for the success or failure of any quality improvement programme is, the operational support system (OSS).  The OSS creates a work environment where seeds of team spirit and quality service can take roots and develop. It brings continuity and long-term success to organisational objectives.

The OSS includes equipment maintenance, replenishment of consumables, supervisory systems, on-the-job training, expansion of services and most important communication systems

Failing to establish an OSS could be a major cause of frustration and de-motivation to staff, counter productive to the efforts of team building and quality improvement.


The Public Health Care Laboratory - 2001 © Gabriele Mallapaty   ·  Contact Us